An appetite for learning

Once I started reading and having a good understanding of what I read, I developed an appetite for learning. Studying and taking examinations were things that I look forward to. Actually, becoming a barrister at law was something encouraged by one of my youngest brothers, an attorney at law, who visited me at my home in London. Not being one to back down, I took up the challenge.

Although before his persuasion, I would often travel on the Number 38 bus which passed alongside a law school in the city of London. Registering at this institute sometime vaguely crossed my mind. It follows that my brother’s encouragement just served to spur me on. I eventually became a student of law at the said law school and was ‘Called to the Bar’, having successfully completed my legal studies. I became a barrister at law in England and Wales. Notwithstanding, my heart has always been and still is in the field of education.

I enjoyed studying law though. I consider it a great thing to be knowledgeable about the laws that govern the land in which we live. My special interest is Special Education Needs. I think it would be reasonable for me to expect you to understand why. Then again, you are more likely to comprehend if you knew that I could not read at age fourteen and because of the then education system in my country, I was cut off main stream education. I hold no grudge for the education system that let me down but, in the interest of the many children who are struggling at schools like I once did, I take the stand that the State must live up to its education policies and be seen to be providing inclusive education for every child.
While I do not undertake litigation in courts, I find great satisfaction in counselling parents and young adults … reminding education practitioners about the State’s responsibility to ensure that each child is catered for. I also take the position that the schools we build, the quality of teaching, the learning experiences offered, the content of the curriculum and the level of inclusiveness, are telling of the value placed on the children of any nation.

Also, it is of great value that the home, the school, the legal system… the State, work in partnership for the benefit of each child so that no student ‘slips through the net’. Hence, it is for this reason, my programmes embrace all of these of the aforementioned institutions.


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