You might be presently wondering what started off my writing. Simply put, I started writing because I had much to share. Then again, in a busy world where everyone seems to be rushing around, listening time was and still is often limited. I was compelled to write as I found myself being drawn into deeper reflection about the thoughts, ideas and concepts that were on my mind.
Writing has now become an integral part of my life and everything I write about matters to me. I never thought of writing as being a therapeutic activity until it connected me with myself. My experience is that writing really takes one on a journey through the subconscious mind. I write to inspire retrospection and change. I write because I am ushered into a zone where I become fascinated with the life, beauty and power of written words. Writing connects my thoughts with language and I find that there is something gratifying about the use of words to invent contributions to society. I only wish that I started writing long before but I am a great believer that life brings with it, its seasons.
My collection of poems, I’M THINKING… was published in 2013. I did not write this book with the intention of having it published. I wrote because I wanted to express my inner feelings about my then present circumstances. These thoughts were articulated in my first creation, ‘The Cold Prickled Floor’. Having written this poem, I wrote many others as I was taken on a backward journey where, I met my young self, Michaellee James, the seven year old, still seated, sobbing in the classroom. Because of my difficult years at school, I had subconsciously left her there as it was the easier thing to do.
When I considered the timelessness of the situations captured in I’M THINKING… I wanted to share its content. Publishing my collection of poems afforded me the opportunity to extend my audience to people I am unlikely to meet during my lifetime.
I have since written my second book, Trees Grow Over Fences, a story of my challenging education journey. This title was recently released in March 2017.
I have not yet decided a title for my third book which is scheduled to be released by July 2018.