It is easy for one to understand why becoming a published author and poet was not something I initially set out to accomplish. After all, I come from background of a child who could not read at age fourteen and was deemed unable to cope with mainstream education. As late as secondary school, the word ‘Seen’ was normally scribed at the bottom of my writing. In all fairness to my teachers, while I was in fact ‘writing’, my work was something they could not read but all of that is behind me now.

You no doubt would be presently wondering what started off my writing. Simply put, I started writing because I had much to share. But in a busy world where everyone seems to be rushing around, listening time is often limited. I was compelled to write as I found myself being drawn into deeper reflection about the thoughts, ideas and concepts that had been on my mind.

Writing has become an integral part of my life and everything I write about things that matter to me. I never thought of writing as a therapeutic activity until it connected me with myself. My experience is that writing really takes one on a journey through the subconscious mind. I write to inspire retrospection and change. I write because I am ushered into a zone where I become fascinated with the life, beauty and power of written words. Writing connects my thoughts with language and I find that there is something gratifying about the use of words to invent contributions to society. I only wish that I started writing long before but I am a great believer that life brings with it, its seasons.

My collection of poems, I’M THINKING… was published in 2013. I did not write his book with the intentions of having it published. I wrote because I wanted to express my inner feelings about my then present circumstances. These thoughts were articulated in my first poem’ ‘The Cold Prickled Floor’. Having written this poem, I wrote many others as I was taken on a backward journey where, I met my young self, Michaellee, James, the seven year old, still seated, sobbing in the classroom for because of my difficult years at school, I had subconsciously left her there as it was the easier thing to do. I suppose this is what I mean when I say that writing takes me on a journey through my subconscious mind. When I considered the timelessness of the situations captured in I’M THINKING… I decided to share with others, whom I am unlikely to meet during my lifetime. I did so with the intent of inspiring hope and laughter.

I have since written my second book, Trees Grow Over Fences, a story of my challenging education journey. This title was recently released in March 2017.

I have not yet decided a title for my third book which is scheduled to be released by July 2018.

Children are one of the most precious gifts that we can receive. Whenever I see a new born baby in its totally dependent state, I often consider the divine responsibility of parenthood. There is this instinctual drive to love, provide for and nurture our little ones. It goes without saying that the majority of us strive to do our very best. We try to instil principles that will preserve and guide our children even in our absence.

As a parent and grandparent, I am conscious that the children under my charge are not just little people that I admire and enjoy but coupled with this is the awesome responsibility of raising individuals who will not just age but develop into human beings who will make a positive impact on society. I have often implanted in my son and my grandson, that a number of university degrees, good job… accomplishments, however great they are, will always be wanting, when placed on a scale with sound values on the opposite side of the balance.

As a matter of fact, my mother and father were believers that values such as honesty, respect, self-discipline, love…unselfishness were products of good parenting. I am ever so grateful to them for the impartation of their religious beliefs and moral values. Family devotions were always a focal part of our day, something I think might ne sadly lacking in today’s modern families. It was in these gatherings we understood that there was a supreme being called GOD whom we must honour and respect- who encourages us to live in harmony. This type of upbringing continues to influence the manner in which I go about parenting.

I don’t know if you have noticed how the majority of children tend to ask, ‘Why?’ when given instructions. I think that this is a very positive thing. After all we ourselves as adults are more enthusiastic about doing things when we understand why we are doing them. I think that there is the need to take time to talk, to explain, as I am often amazed at the positive responses that dialogue with our children and young people can bring. Needless to say, personally, I am keen to detect the difference between an invitation for dialogue and blatant or subtle confrontations.
When it comes to schooling, I believe that I have the responsibility of acquiring a working knowledge of how children learn. I need to understand the education system under which my child or grandchild is being taught so I can work in partnership with schools.

Also in a world that is being torn apart by selfishness, greed and intolerance, there is a sense of urgency to inculcate in our children, sound moral values, the desire to positively settle differences while one simultaneously encourages higher levels of creativity and self- expectations.

Once I started reading and having a good understanding of what I read, I developed an appetite for learning. Studying and taking examinations were things that I look forward to. Actually, becoming a barrister at law was something encouraged by one of my youngest brothers, an attorney at law, who visited me at my home in London. Not being one to back down, I took up the challenge.

Although before his persuasion, I would often travel on the Number 38 bus which passed alongside a law school in the city of London. Registering at this institute sometime vaguely crossed my mind. It follows that my brother’s encouragement just served to spur me on. I eventually became a student of law at the said law school and was ‘Called to the Bar’, having successfully completed my legal studies. I became a barrister at law in England and Wales. Notwithstanding, my heart has always been and still is in the field of education.

I enjoyed studying law though. I consider it a great thing to be knowledgeable about the laws that govern the land in which we live. My special interest is Special Education Needs. I think it would be reasonable for me to expect you to understand why. Then again, you are more likely to comprehend if you knew that I could not read at age fourteen and because of the then education system in my country, I was cut off main stream education. I hold no grudge for the education system that let me down but, in the interest of the many children who are struggling at schools like I once did, I take the stand that the State must live up to its education policies and be seen to be providing inclusive education for every child.
While I do not undertake litigation in courts, I find great satisfaction in counselling parents and young adults … reminding education practitioners about the State’s responsibility to ensure that each child is catered for. I also take the position that the schools we build, the quality of teaching, the learning experiences offered, the content of the curriculum and the level of inclusiveness, are telling of the value placed on the children of any nation.

Also, it is of great value that the home, the school, the legal system… the State, work in partnership for the benefit of each child so that no student ‘slips through the net’. Hence, it is for this reason, my programmes embrace all of these of the aforementioned institutions.

Publication Date: August 18, 2013



I’M THINKING… is a rare collection of poems that explores common emotions and experiences that appeal to people of various age groups, cultural backgrounds, and social statuses. […]